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August 14, 2024

The Waltz Story: My Path to Innovating Real Estate

Yuval Golan
Founder & CEO
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U.S. real estate – the land of opportunity, supposedly. But as a proud non-citizen, attempting to buy property in this glorious nation was a real eye-opener.  

Turns out, the "American Dream" comes with a hefty application fee and a mountain of paperwork. This wasn’t just my experience – it was a systemic problem. And that's where the inspiration for Waltz struck.

Remember the carefree joy of buying Boardwalk and Park Place in Monopoly? We're here to snatch that feeling back from the bureaucratic clutches of the real estate market.

Keep reading to learn more about my journey as a foreign national navigating U.S. real estate, and how those challenges became the blueprint for an all-in-one platform that streamlines everything, from financing to property management.

A Problem Demanding a Solution

18 years spent living and working in eight different countries means that I’ve had countless flimsy apartment walls and even flimsier leases.

At first it was exciting, but over time, the constant cycle of unpacking boxes and apartment hunting started to wear thin. I no longer wanted to feel stuck in someone else's poorly maintained rental property. I craved stability, the kind that only comes with owning a place of your own.

Fast forward to early 2020 – pandemic panic sets in, and I, like everyone else, decide real estate is the ultimate survival raft in this economic storm. I was excited to set my sights on property ownership in Israel, Greece, Brazil, Thailand, the U.S. – you name it, I was going to buy it! However, my dream of a global property portfolio quickly became a frustrating reality check.

Turns out, building a real estate Monopoly board in real life is way harder than rolling doubles. Every location presented its own set of challenges if I wanted to buy property there. In Israel, income earned abroad disqualified me. Brazil's tax residency rules deemed me ineligible to even open a bank account there, and a mortgage? Forget about it. 

The American market, just like many, was always my dream. But my dream became a nightmare – it was a whole new level of frustration. Eight-month closings, expiring visas and flying to the other side of the planet (Thailand) undergoing a 14-day quarantine just to get a visa renewed, unhelpful banks – it was a system designed to discourage, not welcome, foreign investors like me. Everything these days is done in a few clicks, so why did investing in U.S. real estate feel like a frustrating time warp to the 16th century?

Speaking with fellow international investors was enlightening. It turns out, the biggest hurdle wasn't a lack of money or qualified investors. It was actually the complete and utter absence of a smooth, transparent process. It was like the entire system was designed by a bureaucracy deathly allergic to efficiency. 

Four years after I began my own international investing journey, I'm pleased to announce that Waltz has launched. Say goodbye to endless phone calls with unhelpful banks! With Waltz, buying investment property will be so easy, you'll wonder why you ever rented that shoebox apartment in the first place.

Building a Bridge, Not Walls

Waltz wasn't born out of luck; it sprouted from the fertile ground of frustration. I witnessed firsthand the many complexities foreign investors face when seeking a place in the U.S. real estate market. These weren't just bumps in the road, they were Mount Everests of paperwork and red tape. Clearly, the market needed a major overhaul.

At Waltz, we're ushering in a click-to-invest future for U.S. real estate. Our all-in-one platform is basically a magic wand for foreign investors, waving goodbye to the usual headaches. Here's how we do it:

  • Bridging the Communication Divide: Language barriers and cultural misunderstandings can turn a promising investment opportunity into a hilarious game of international charades. Waltz acts as a bridge, fostering clear and consistent information exchange throughout the entire process. We ensure both foreign investors and U.S. institutions are on the same page, eliminating confusion and growing trust.
  • Facilitating Compliance: Cross-border transactions can be like cracking a secret code. Our team at Waltz possesses a wealth of expertise in international compliance. We translate all those confusing regulations into simple steps, so everyone involved feels like they're on solid ground. We make sure everything is above board and legal, so you can sleep soundly at night (unlike those who try to buy property without our assistance).
  • Digitizing Transactions: Waltz simplifies the entire process for foreign nationals, digitizing everything from establishing a U.S. entity and opening a bank account to remotely handling document signing and closing procedures. With Waltz, you can securely invest in U.S. real estate from anywhere – you don’t even have to take off your fuzzy slippers.
  • Revolutionizing Mortgage Accessibility: Waltz offers a groundbreaking, fully digital mortgage application process tailored for real estate investment. Unlike those traditional loan officers who make you jump through hoops and dig up receipts from 2008, we focus on the property's potential to make you rich, not your foreign income or U.S. bank statements. It's all about the Debt-Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR), and Waltz speaks fluent DSCR-ese!
  • Unlocking Access: Traditionally, real estate has felt like an exclusive club with a high membership fee. Foreign nationals were frequently left on the outside looking in. Qualified investors, no matter where they hail from, deserve a shot at a slice of the pie (or, you know, a beautiful condo with a killer view). We're making the market more inclusive and accessible, so everyone can join the party!

Our Vision for a Thriving Market

The landscape of real estate investment is undergoing a big shift. Younger generations are fed up with "get rich quick" schemes and crave something more stable, with a roof over its head. Real estate, the granddaddy of investments, offers the allure of a tangible asset that they can rent out to fund their lifestyles. 

The problem is that investing in American real estate and getting a mortgage is still a huge hassle. Paperwork piles up faster than laundry on a weekend, regulations change more often than your favorite fashion trend, and the language barrier can be thicker than a New York slice of pizza.

At Waltz, we believe the future lies in creating a frictionless experience that merges the security of traditional assets with the ease of use demanded by the modern investor. This not only benefits foreign nationals but also strengthens the overall real estate market by fostering a more diverse and engaged investor pool.

The U.S. government has a vested interest in keeping the real estate market afloat. You see, a healthy housing market translates to a steady stream of property tax dollars for local governments. Plus, a booming real estate market keeps the construction industry humming, which means more jobs and a happier economy. By supporting platforms like Waltz that streamline the process for international investors, we're basically handing the government a golden ticket to a stronger economy.

It's a win-win: investors get a piece of the American Dream (or at least a nice rental property), and the government gets more tax revenue to fund all those things they like to spend money on. 

Get Started with Waltz!

So, you've been bitten by the U.S. real estate bug? Congratulations! You're about to embark on a thrilling journey filled with mind-numbing paperwork, late-night Google searches about property taxes, and the constant fear of accidentally buying swampland in Florida… that is, unless you work with Waltz. 

We're dragging the U.S. property market kicking and screaming into the 21st century, all so you can turn your real estate fantasies into a reality that doesn't involve sleeping on your friend's couch while house hunting.

Join us at Waltz as we break down the walls and build a bridge so that you can waltz into the U.S. real estate market. Get started in just a few clicks. 

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